
Friday, January 13, 1989

'Individuals Pursuing Their Interests' ...

Today is the start of what has to be a strictly budgeted weekend. Fortunately, this is more easily accomplished when you have an essay to complete.

I started the day with my Social/Political Structures seminar, which was actually pretty good. Then I went to the library, read the newspaper for a bit, and then began research on my essay for Social/Political Structures. My subject is the role of the individual in society, based upon a quote by Margaret Thatcher:

"There is no such thing as society. Society does not exist. There are only individuals pursuing their interests."

I worked diligently until about 3 p.m., when I returned to The Grange to take a break and relax, and see what everyone else was up to. Ate another "Thanksgiving Dinner that Could Not Be Beat," in the refectory, then returned to the room to get my notes a bit more organized for the essay. I was also able to finish reading "Heartbreak House" by George Bernard Shaw for my Poetry & Drama class, before Viv stopped by and we put our work aside to settle down for the evening.

Everybody probably thinks I'm some kind of a bonehead because I don't go out much anymore. But what can you do when you're counting your pennies?

One cool thing this evening, somebody must have picked up one of my letters from the mail table by mistake. At some point this evening a letter from my friend Michele Beauchamp back at Millersville University was slipped under my door. That was a nice bit of a surprise!

From Michele's letter:

Here it is, finally, a letter from me...

I'm glad you like it there so much. What do you think about Doug coming home? Did you talk to him much to find out what was going on? ...

I thought about you a lot this semester. I wanted to write or something, even started a few letters, but got tied up in something or other and never finished...

The only tapes I listen to anymore are the ones you made for me before you left and the Genesis albums you taped. Although I don't know any of the names because I never wrote the song or album names down. Silly me.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that even though you're not physically here, parts of you are lying around, bothering everybody...

This semester has been really awful. I had to take features editor at The Snapper - against my will - I really hate it. I can't write the way I want because I don't have time... As an added plus, I had to get used to my R.A. job. That took a lot out of me. I almost got fired because of an investigation Shannon did for the paper on security in the dorms. I wasn't involved at all, but Resident Life said I should have told them there was going to be an investigation, then a story, so they could have been prepared, which would have defeated the purpose...

I really enjoyed those articles you sent. They were well-written and took up space beautifully. Thanks! Keep them coming ...

Remember Steve Miller? No, not the guy with the band, the guy who teaches English at Millersville. He will be teaching a course on the Bronte sisters at Humberside this summer, and I'm pretty sure I will be taking it. I'll only be there for three weeks, but I'm pretty excited. I think the course begins sometime near the end of July...

I hope the holidays went well for you. I'm assuming you were with Glen's family... I hope you are taking care of yourself. I miss you and think of you often. Write if you get a chance.

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