I did manage to get seven letters written today, to my parents, my Uncle Greg and Aunt Sue, Uncle Mike and Aunt Mimi, Uncle Bill and Aunt Jani, Uncle Larry and Aunt Joanne, Gil Spatz (my former boss when I worked at the Artworks framing gallery), and a letter to the Conservative College Forum here in England. That's a record for the number of letters I wrote in one day!
I also got a letter from my former girlfriend Debbie, who's at Ursinus College, which was great (Of course, it's always great to receive mail from home!)
Excerpts from Deb's letter:
"I'm very glad to know you are so happy in England. Hull sounds like fun, though it's a shame about the food. I bet you reveled in seeing Liverpool. Did you OD on The Beatles? I hope you got to see 'Chess - the Musical.' You've been talking about it for as long as I've known you. You have to go so you can tell me all about it."
I haven't seen it yet. Hope to see it in London soon, though!
"Congratulations to you and your candidate! You would've been pleased with the ballot I cast, but don't tell any of my flaming liberal friends here. I may be liberal compared to you, but around here I'm the ultimate conservative! Pretty funny, huh?"
"Your course load sounds like fun (except for Geography) ... I can't remember if I told you, but I've been introduced to an interesting performer - Robyn Hitchcock - he's great! I think you'd like him, if you get the chance to hear him, take it! ... Yesterday was Thanksgiving & I'm stuffed! My grandmother and mother went overboard on the food. It was great!"Do you remember the Grow-a-Frogs sold in Impulse? I bought one - it's great! The first tadpole, Ulmo (named from The Silmarillion") died after he finished becoming a frog. Boo hoo. He's buried in Musser's front lawn & all of my friends paid their respects. So now I have a new one, Osse, and he is bigger & healthier than Ulmo was. I expect he'll still be with me when you come home."
I then went over to visit Doug. He had spent the day in Manchester with his exchange family, and I also showed him my latest photos. I spent much of the day practicing my guitar, then spent the rest of the evening (as I so often do) hanging out with Viv.
Played with Shannon the Hamster for awhile too, which was cute. I was wearing my Camp Hill High School Cross Country sweatshirt, and she enjoyed crawling around the handwarmer area of the sweatshirt. She stayed in there for quite awhile.
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