I went to visit Viv Schofield and Liz Ortega (“Viz”, for short, like the popular British comic book) to see how they were getting on with their work. They said they had woken up at about 7 a.m., just three hours after they left my room last night!) They had stopped by my room at 11:45 a.m. this morning, unintentionally waking me up to return the jacket they had borrowed from me.
Anyway, they were both slightly brain-fried from the lack of sleep and the academic work that lay before them, so they were not really jumping into their assignments.
There was a bit of excitement during our visit to J.P.’s room at St. Hilda’s. First, the official story:
Cigarette causes fire in J.P.’s RoomThat was what the campus security were told happened in the room. Now for the actual story:
American student J.P. Cardoso (pictured above, left) was lighting a cigarette in his room at St. Hilda’s residence in the Grange Halls on Sunday afternoon, when he accidentally threw a still hot match into his paper-filled trash bin, located in the center of the room.
The match ignited the paper in the bin and remained on fire until it burned itself out. No one was injured, but the inferno in the bin burned so hot that, once the bin cooled and was moved, it melted the carpet, searing a black circle into the carpet.
Aspiring Pyromaniac Causes Fire in His Own RoomWe felt the real story did not reflect well upon J.P., or us. In order to cover the damaged carpet, J.P. rearranged his room so that his bed now covered the burn mark (although it looked a bit odd jutting out into the middle of the room.)
In a fit of boredom, American student J.P. Cardoso pulled out his lighter and began burning small things of no importance in his his room at St. Hilda’s residence in the Grange Halls on Sunday afternoon, joined by several of his friends. However, this innocent game took a turn for the worst when his friend, fellow American Rick Reitz, picked up a copy of the Sunday Sport and began to read it.
While perusing the purile publication, J.P. quietly took his lighter and set fire to the newspaper while it was in Rick’s hands. In moments the flames quickly licked up the newspaper, leaving Rick no choice but to throw the burning newspaper into a trash bin located in the middle of J.P.’s room.
The fire soon became a small inferno and took a few moments to burn itself out. No one was injured, but the inferno in the bin burned so hot that, once the bin cooled and was moved, it melted the carpet, searing a black circle into the carpet.
After dinner, it was back to socializing. At half-eight we watched “Bread,” a bizarre sitcom set in Liverpool that I would most closely compare to “Soap.” After the show ended I returned to my room, where a short time later Liz and Viv stopped in, announcing that they were finished with their class work. We sat and talked awhile, during which time I attempted to get through on the phone to call Camp Hill. I was able to talk to Angie, but no one else.
Liz, Viv and I then headed over to St. Hilda’s to do a little visiting, and after chatting it up with others, Viv decided to go back to her room, while Liz came back to mine for about 5 minutes, and then she decided that she was too tired, so I walked her back to her room. I came back, and being tired myself, nodded off shortly thereafter.
- Number One Song in Britain This Week: "One Moment in Time" - Whitney Houston
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Correction on the fire...this was not a cigarette-related mishap. Rather, I was reading The Independent when Kenny Prunty quietly set the newspaper aflame. It must have been burning for ten seconds before I realized what was happening and stuffed it into the rubbish bin. That, of course, set everything in the bin on fire.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Welcome J.P.! While I will admit there's certainly a chance that my notes from 20 years ago weren't completely accurate, I think the true story is somewhere in the middle. (The cigarette-related first story, of course, was a fabrication.) For the second one, I do seem to recall that Kenny set your paper on fire first, then you set it in the trash can. But I think it went out and then, carrying the joke further, you lit my paper, and when that one was also placed in the rubbish bin, it combined with the Independent to create the now legendary ring in J.P.'s carpet.
Thanks for adding eyewitness depth and detail to this account!
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