I did some more reading today of “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” (I’m really into that book!), as well as practicing my guitar, as usual. Then, because it was necessary and the reason why I am in England, I went to class... an interesting Poetry and Drama lecture.
After dinner, I picked up my mail from the mail table outside the refactory, which included a post from Dr. Morrison and Fiona, who were currently on vacation in Greece. I traversed down the hall back to my room, where Liz and Viv later visited.
Then Liz left, as Viv and I remained to talk about the day’s events. We decided that we would go see the Tom Hanks movie “Big” tomorrow. I then let her (told her, actually), to go back to her room to continue working on her Francisco Franco report. (She's an international business studies major, so in addition to her business classes, she's studying Spanish language and Spanish history.)
After hanging about, I joined several others and we walked down to the Gardner’s Arms pub on Cottingham Road for a pint. A bit later, Doug and I left and headed over to Double Happiness, where I got some chips ‘n gravy.
Then, as we approached the offie (or "Off-License") we ran into Sid, Liz and Viv (who wasn’t working on her Franco report), heading for the Gardner’s Arms. We went into the offie, where I purchased a German wine for future consumption, went back to Doug’s room and ate.
Doug then went to wait for a call from his parents, and I went back to my room to do some reading. A bit later, Liz came and got me to come up to their room for a bit. Then Liz and I came back to my room, where we talked for a bit while Viv worked on her report. After Liz left, I did a bit more reading, then went to bed.
(Pictured: Marvell Hall at the entrance of the Cottingham Road Campus, Humberside College of Higher Education.)
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