I only had one article, divided into parts, on life in Hull, England. Although it now looks poor and irrelevant to anyone who doesn't know me, I still qualified for a blurb on the front page. And my first photo was published as well!
After reading I took a shower, then began work on completing my short story. I was intent on finishing it, so I passed up the Geography seminar to do it. No loss. It ended up being about nine pages long.
Then I went to Social/Political Structures class and sat next to Sam, listening to a prophetically bad Ian Welsh lecture on slightly-to-the-left-of-socialism topics that annoyed me. It was not good. Sam was OK with it, though.
Returned to The Grange to show J.P. the Snappers, then we lounged about outside, getting caught in Big Jon's water battle. After dinner I wrote for awhile and then watched "short news," since the BBC is on strike again.
Went up to Buffy's room and talked to her for awhile, and then at 9 p.m. watched "Moonlighting" followed by "Thirtysomething" in St. Martin's. After that I found Sam, so I talked to him awhile over coffee, and I premiered my story to him. He seemed to quite like it, saying that it held his interest throughout. I was happy.
I went back to my room at midnight and began to write my next story, titled "Night Train." Hope it turns out as well.
Today's fabulous quote is from a slightly drunk Sid (pictured above), while at a pub talking to locals: "I'm a student - I know everything!"
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