It was certainly a nice enough day outside to pull an appropriate quote from the book I am currently reading.
I woke up about mid-morning and decided it would be OK to skip my class today, since I hadn't read the book they were going to discuss. I went into town again to check if the new CSN&Y album had come out yet, and then I picked up my new black-and-white photographs (including the one of my room shown here. Notice Viv's sweet television seems to have found a more permanent home here in my room.) I thought they turned out nice, for the most part.
I returned to the room and put my photos in the photo album right away, then showed the pictures to Doug, J.P., Big Jon, Kenny and others. After dinner not much of any import happened. Viv stopped in for awhile, so that was cool. And Mom called today, so it was nice to hear from her and get updates from home.
One thing I've noticed during my time here of late is that the days and weeks seem to fly by quickly. I can't believe that I've been in England almost two months already!
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