I decided it'd be fun to have a "tour shirt" made of my band Yokel. So I created a front and back design using our "Shut Up and Listen to Our Lousy Album" cover on the front, and made up some tour info on the back. Went into the market, found the lady, gave her the picture and placed the order. It should be done and ready next Friday. (Pictured: The drawing I gave to the artist)
After walking around a bit, I found a place that was selling an Elvis Costello Concert Ticket and Bus Transportation to the Newcastle City Hall show for £18. I'll have to see if I can get anyone interested in coming along to see the show.
We returned home for dinner, but then headed back into Hull to see a movie. This night we went to see "Short Circuit 2." It was entertaining enough.
After we got back to the room, I called my parents and talked to them for awhile. Then Viv and I hung out for the rest of the evening.
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